Jackpot 102
Jackpot 102 (NSIC 666H) is the first hybrid rice seed variety introduced and distributed by LAV way back 2019. Through the years, Jackpot has already proven its place in the hybrid rice seed industry by ranking in the Top 5 varieties preferred by farmers during Rice Derbies.

LAV 777
LAV 777 (NSIC Rc 656H) is our latest variety offering to rice farmers. Launched last year in Occidental Mindoro, LAV 777 has the quality traits of a superior hybrid rice. A genetically high yielding and Bacterial Leaf Blight-tolerant variety partnered with our “Sapat na Alaga Protocol” can definitely help our rice farmers attain high yields without excessive production costs.

Jackpot Ready
Jackpot Ready is a product development where Jackpot 102 seeds have been grown into healthy 15-21 day-old seedlings. This technology gives the farmers an option of ready-to-plant seedlings and provides convenience to farmers who want to save time and energy during pre-planting stage.

Jose Maria Milled Rice
LAV has entered the whole value-chain of rice production by selling milled rice to the local market. Jose Maria is LAV’s regular-milled rice similar to the Dinorado type. As a product of contract growing, LAV helps the rice growers sell their produce by buying back their harvests at the prevailing market price. These fresh palay are then milled through our own milling facility and packaged as Jose Maria milled rice, named after the LAV’s Founder and President, Mr. Jose Maria Fernando L. Malveda.